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10 Great Trips As In The Movies

1. United States - Easy Rider

A film reel for a bitumen ribbon ... Easy Rider, the cult road movie filmed along Route 66, helped to weave a little more the legend of this road connecting Chicago to Los Angeles. Fuel by car or Harley-Davidson like Wyatt and Billy on the big screen, trace your way from bed and breakfast motels, from coniferous forests to desert lands. A call ato freedom!

2. Iceland - The Dreamed Life of Walter Mitty

Ode to travel, Walter Mitty's Dream Life , takes you to Greenland, the Himalayan mountains or Iceland , unless ... In reality, the filming took place only in this last country whose diversity of landscapes is, once again, more to demonstrate! If the hero of the film leaves to look for a lost negative, you will come back for sure with a film of photos of the Icelandic countryside: Grundarfjörður, Stykkishólmur, Borgarnes.

3. Kenya - Out of Africa

More than the achievement of Sydney Pollack or the performances of Meryl Streep and Robert Redford, the seven Oscars received by Out of Africa are the symbol of the coronation of a land of legend, landscapes magnified by an unreal light: Africa. The film has its source in Masai Mara Reserve, Kenya. Wild herbs, jeeps and small encampments under the stars have forged the Out of Africa spirit that couples dream of living ... like in the movies!

4. Japan - Lost in Translation

Tokyo, its lights, its urban madness ... Arriving in the Japanese capital, travelers remain amazed and dumb in front of this world defying the imagination of our time. A reaction similar to that of the character played by Bill Murray in the opening scene of Sofia Coppola's classic! In the steps of the heroes of the film, immerse yourself in modern and traditional Japan: karaoke, arcades, Shibuya crossroads on Tokyo, Heian-jingu shrine on Kyoto.

5. India - Aboard Darjeeling Limited

Fascinated by India, Wes Anderson put his camera there in 2007 for the filming of his film Aboard Darjeeling Limited . In line with the journey of the three brothers of the feature film, go exploring a Rajasthan without filter, moving from a map on a maharadja palace to a picturesque street scene. Stop in the blue city of Jodhpur, in the citadel of Jaisalmer sand or in the royal city of Udaipur.

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6. Australia - Tracks

In 2013, Tracks brought to the screen the true story of Robyn Davidson, the "Camel Lady" as she is nicknamed in the world, referring to her crossing the Australian desert with four camelids. Find the silence, the sense of adventure and the poetry of this film by winning the Outback, this legendary Australian hinterland. On these blood-red lands, do not miss Ayers Rock, the major landmark of Aboriginal culture.

7. Thailand - The Kwai River Bridge

Relating a dark episode of World War II that is the construction of a bridge over the river Kwai, Thailand, by thousands of prisoners of war, this film by David Lean has marked the spirits with its sublime views of the Kanchanaburi mountains , bitter contrast with the harshness of the everyday life of the shipyard. Today, the places are only memory and calm of the jungle, all near the paradise site of the Erawan Falls.

8. Brazil - Indiana Jones

During the saga, our famous adventurer has traveled many countries: Jordan, Peru or Brazil in the final part, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull . In the film, the heroes fall from the top of the Devil's Throat, the main waterfall of the Iguazu Falls . It is safe, from the footbridges, you can observe this wonder of nature. Drowned in the forest and populated by howler monkeys, the site embodies the adventure with a big A! 

9. Jordan - Lawrence of Arabia

Let's meet David Lean, the director of the Kwai River Bridge , but this time, let's follow him to Jordan, the location of his fresco Lawrence of Arabia. In your turn, go roam the lunar desert of Wadi Rum. In 4 × 4, discover the cinematic profile of its orange dunes in turn dug canyons or saturated with rocky arches . Then, like Lawrence of Arabia, sleep in a Bedouin camp under the starry sky ... Memorable!

10. Italy - Roman Holidays

It is with these words that the heroine of the film Roman Holidays concludes her truculent journey in the eternal city ... Relive the escapade of Audrey Hepburn between vespa ride near the Colosseum , gelato on the stairs of the Spanish Steps stop at the Mouth of Truth, dancing on the banks of the Tiber and night in a typical alley similar to the famous Via Margutta!


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